The Perfect Eyebrows

A modified female's eyebrow that has been waxedImage via Wikipedia
You've got two choices when it comes to eyebrow grooming you can wax or tweeze and waxing at home may not be to easy unless you have been doing this for years. To obtain great looking eyebrows you have to see what kind of face shape you have and take it from there, and you must have to proper tools.Grooming your eyebrows can make a dramatic difference in your look the best looking eye-brows are the ones that look natural.

Poorly shaped brows can make you appear tired, unhappy or much older than you really are and a pair that’s too thick or too dark will make you look like Browzilla,or even worse you will get the what look, you know the look that makes you appear as if you are always asking a question the huh look.

Model credit Candice Freeman
For a truly arch-altering experience, invest in a well-lit magnifying mirror, brow brush with stiff bristles, eyebrow scissors, white eyeliner pencil (a nail white pencil also works) and stainless steel tweezers. Tweezers with a thin, pointed tip are made for plucking miniscule or ingrown hairs; a square tip grasps short, coarse hairs; and a slanted tip offers optimal control. Cheap tweezers can break hairs instead of pulling them out at the root, so splurging on quality is encouraged. Be sure to sanitize them with rubbing alcohol, and if you anticipate sensitivity have ice cubes on hand to numb the skin a bit.

Taking the time to groom your brows each day will make a marked difference in your appearance. Brush them upward when you want them to appear fuller, or sideways to make them appear more slender. As they grow, you can tame unruly hairs with clear or tinted brow gel, or even a bit of hairspray applied with an eyebrow brush or dry toothbrush. 

How do you achieve the perfect shape everyone's shape is different and is determined mostly by facial features. If a you have a larger facial features — eg, eyes and nose — a thicker brow will balance the face as opposed to a thinner, shorter brow working well for those with smaller features.

Model credit Danielle Roux
The innermost point of your brow should be over the inside corner of your eye, the arch of your brow (its highest point) should occur over the outside of the iris of your eye. Your brow should end on a diagonal from the outside of your nose just past the outside of your eye. Depending on the shape of your face, your natural brow line may vary somewhat. Use the brow bone as a guide to the best placement for your eyebrow. To begin, use a brow brush or toothbrush to brush the brows straight up. Snip any hairs that are too long or stick out in wild directions. Be sure to pluck just a hair or two at a time so you don't wind up with any gaps.
When you're done plucking and combing your brows into a shape you like, hold the look with some brow gel, brow wax or a little hair gel. Apply just enough to hold the hair in place.

Eyebrows change with the trends – sometimes natural is in, sometimes thick is in. Start with what looks most natural and flattering on you and play with different shades and thicknesses.
Fuller brows ALWAYS look more natural and make you look younger. Over-tweezing is never flattering. It can be easy to get carried away with the tweezers, so be careful.

Model credit Lesley Burrows
If you're not sure about shaping your brows on your own, go to a professional. Just like a good hairstylist, bring in a picture of what you're looking for and a good eyebrow shaper will be able to tell you what will look good and what won't.

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